Vulnerability assessment glitches and notes
- some vulnerability checks cause inadvertent denial-of-service
- can happen even if the target has a standard configuration
- nonstandard configuration: account lockout after failed login
- do we notify the system owner if exploit "probably" failed?
- when we try exploit, their server goes away (core dump?)
- for same exploit, many other machines give a root shell
- are they actually running a non-vulnerable server version?
- are they vulnerable to a modified version of the exploit?
- we lack resources for notification of unconfirmed problems
- vulnerability checks thwarted by a personal firewall
- (we don't forbid personal firewalls and may encourage them)
- firewall sees one exploit and shuns all IP traffic from us
- might be followed by false negatives on other exploit tries
- they're vulnerable to attack that tries correct exploit first
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