Medical records
- medical-record security lapses are newsworthy nowadays
- Boston example (early June): brain cancer test results faxed to store
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
- HIPAA -- see; final rules not yet published
- must assess potential risks and vulnerabilities
- develop, implement, and maintain appropriate security measures
- administrative procedures to guard data integrity, confidentiality
- internal audit of logins, file accesses, and security incidents
- functional testing, penetration testing, and verification
- formal documented instructions for reporting security breaches
- user education in password management
- penalties for misuse or misappropriation of health information
- Computerworld, 24 July: "could face fines and possible jail time"
- MIT server contained a file available via a very simple attack
Copyright 2000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
All rights reserved.
Quote is from "Maimonides CIO: Health Care
Faces Y2k-Scale Challenges", Computerworld, Vol. 34, No. 30, July 24,
2000, page 20.